Find Answers to Your Questions:

A 17 minute self-help session with the Dalian Method

by Mada Eliza Dalian

ISBN: 978-0-97387738-0

This product is packaged on a USB drive. It includes:

A 24 page eBook explaining how to prepare and work with your self-help session, and three MP3 recordings: Introduction, Preparation Instructions, and a Guided Session with the Dalian Method.

Find Answers to Your Questions is the first release from the Dalian Method Accelerated Transformation Series™ It is a practical self-help tool for adults and teens. In just 17 minutes you can connect to your inner GPS, find answers to your questions, and never doubt yourself again!

In just one short session, and without the need to use your mind to figure things out, you can find answers to your questions and make clear life decisions.

Find Answers to Your Questions session can be used for anything, be it health, decisions you must make about school, work, career, relationships, or simple things about your daily life situations. Use Find Answers to Your Questions session to de-stress, eliminate your insecurities and self-doubt, learn new things about yourself, get clarity about your relationships, worry less, begin to trust yourself, and feel confident about your choices.


Healing the Body & Awakening Consciousness with the Dalian Method

by Mada Eliza Dalian

An Advanced Self-Healing System for a New Humanity
BOOK & 2 CD Gift Set

Book ISBN: 978-0-9738773-5-9
eBook ISBN: 978-0-9738773-6-6

Video 1: Introduction to the Self-Healing Dalian Method
Video 2: The Missing Link Between Alternative & Allopathic Medicine
Video 3: The Missing Ingredient for Permanent Healing & Transformation

In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into Consciousness

by Mada Eliza Dalian

A step-by-step guidebook to everyone’s journey of healing and transformation from fear, pain, and suffering into enlightened consciousness.

Book ISBN: 978-0-9738773-3-5
eBook ISBN: 978-0-9738773-4-2

Watch VIDEO Trailer

Healing into Consciousness with Active Meditation and Visualization eBook

by Mada Eliza Dalian

State-of-the-art active meditation techniques and guided visualizations for self-exploration and personal transformation.
